I want to be a Tree / Quisiera Ser un árbol

This poem was submitted as part of Catalyst’s 2020 Writing Contest and was selected as one of the winning submissions. To view more submissions from the Writing Contest, please visit utcatalyst.org/writing-contest.

Photo Credit: Jon MooreCourtesy of Unsplash

Photo Credit: Jon Moore

Courtesy of Unsplash

I want to be a tree.

A tree like the one that grows at the edge

Of the meadow. Who has had hearts carved into it,

And it covers the scars so well.

A tree who roots itself proud and strong

And as its surroundings change with

The whirlwind of life,

Never asks “Was I wrong?”

I want to have a trunk three feet in diameter

That will withstand the rage of fire,

The tantrums of hurricanes,

The words of society…

I want to be a tree.

A tree like the one that grows at the edge

Of the meadow. That looks down at me

And smiles.

Quisiera ser un árbol,

Un árbol como el que crece a la orilla del río,

que he tenido corazones tallados en el

Y cubre las cicatrices tan bien.

Un árbol que se arraiga orgulloso y fuerte.

Cuando sus alrededores cambian con

El torbellino de la vida

Nunca se pregunta, “¿Me equivoque?”

Quiero tener un tronco de tres pies de diámetro

Que va a soportar la furia de fuego

Las rabietas de los huracanes

Las palabras de la sociedad.

Quisiera ser un árbol,

Un árbol como el que crece a la orilla del rio,

Que me mira y sonríe