Our Hookstory #7

Illustration by Sydnie Lim

Summer School

There’s something about campus in the summer. The scores of students on Speedway supplanted by shimmering mirages. A hazy heat hangs in the air like gauze curtains draped over terracotta-tiled roofs and sunlight-laden limestone walls. A lethargy– no, a peace.

-Poojitha Diggikar, Neuroscience


What is common medical knowledge in the states is not in Guatemala. The ‘cold’ here is my ‘child is dying’ there. The doctor on-duty told me to see the patient not as a bundle of symptoms, but as a story.

-Emily Ji, Biology


Florida and two weeks on the beach,
what could go wrong? Stomach bug.

What, you're not sick? Go to CVS, buy medicine!
Use your best judgement, communicate like an astronaut,

Save the day.

-Ecaterina Sur, Applied Mathematics

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