Our Hookstory #5

Illustration by Sravya Gullapalli

My “College Experience”

Years spent chasing

An elusive need for fulfillment

“I need to do more”

“I’m not good enough”

“If I stop, I’m worthless”

Worked till my body gave out

Only to ask:

Why am I still unhappy?

-Nicole Stone,  Biology

Pond of Contemplation

I sit. They stare. I stare. They swim. 

Seasons come and go, but the turtles stay.

People cry, laugh, and stare.

What are they thinking? 

Maybe the pond holds all of these thoughts, 

and the turtles bask in our contemplation.

-Aly Ligon, Biology

 Love Letter

An all-consuming stasis enveloped me, and when I realized, it was already too late.

Or so I thought.

All of you made me believe in warmth again when you pulled me out of the cold.

I couldn’t be more grateful. Thank you.

-Sanjana Kumar, Biochemistry/Plan II

Our HookstoryCatalyst