my last rollercoaster


Photo credit: Justin

Courtesy of Unsplash

The announcer treads air, 

“Can everybody please give her some space?” 

“Don’t look down.” 

Isn’t it scarier 

to know something is there, but 

not see it? 

Have you double-checked 

the rails 

before you started 

the trip? 

Ghost grip on the belt, 

I’ve been this high


in my dreams. 

You haven’t met 

the scared me yet. 

I’m not sure 

if you’ll like her. 

“I won’t.” 

“Good, maintenance is coming to help!” 

Are you 

standing on the air? 

I’m the only 

one left in the car. 

That heavy weight 

still pulls me down. 

“Ma’am, we’ve stabilized the car. 

You can climb down.” 

A ghost lets go