Our Hookstory #4

Illustration by Ellen Lan

It takes two L's to make a W

A journey of courage, resilience, and fight,

From waitlisted dreams to soaring heights.

In the end, it's not just a piece of paper you see,

But a testament to the strength inside of me.

-Isaac Jones, Biochemistry


I commute. Personal stuff, caring for family.

I sleep 3-6 hours on weekdays, 12 on weekends.

I miss the time I could be making friends or interests.

I see the tired people on the bus and my heart feels tired too.

-Rowan, Public Health

On Penguins

Freshman year, I finally felt free to spread my wings and fly wherever I wanted!

But eventually, I realized I was falling more than soaring.

Thankfully, there is more than one way to be a bird.

-Anouka Saha, Mathematics

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